Checklist on your Sony SmartWatch now enables you to switch between view modes:
- Show all items
- Show only unchecked items
by tapping the top right counter which shows "unchecked/all" numbers of the current checklist.
In the "Show all" mode you can swipe right to check item or swipe left to uncheck it. You can browse the whole checklist with strike-through-text checked items with green color indication.
In the "Show unchecked" mode you browse the list and swipe right the items to mark completed. They disappear leaving only unchecked items to be managed.
You can view all items switching back to "Show all" mode taping the top right counter.
Visit our site to install Checklist app for free.
This post was inspired by the article The Ultimate Interview Prep Checklist by Hannah Morgan.
Following Hannah's guidelines we created a checklist which we would like to share with you
You can copy the following text and paste it to the import dialog of your Checklist app:
Know the format and players, Ask the names and titles, Know the job, Get in-depth job description, Know the company, Research via LinkedIn, Google, Know the interviewers, Prepare your answers, Story for each requirement, Most relevant qualifications, Practice aloud and rehearse, Why you left past position, Craft the questions that you want answered, Bring copies of your resume, Ask for next steps, Do you want this job?
Visit our site and install Checklist app for free.