You are a busy person and you want to get into good shape. You don't have time to go to the gym regularly? You travel a lot? You are never too busy for a Scientific 7-Minute Workout which is as effective as training and can be done anywhere! Workout for SmartWatch app now gives you this high-intensity program which requires no gym, no special equipment, only resistance from your body weight, a chair and a wall. In 12 exercises it combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science.
Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between. Repeating the whole circuit two or three times for a total of closer to 20 minutes will likely benefit you even more.
Workout app is your SmartWatch fitness assistant providing: ✔ Working sets according to your workout plans ✔ Load values and repetition times for exercise types ✔ Rest periods control with vibration ✔ Encouragement on achievements and motivation
Workout on your SmartWatch shows a sequence of working sets. Each working set has three stages: GET READY -> EXECUTING -> BREAK. Depending on the exercise type you see different parameters of the working set. There are three exercise types which define purpose or goal of the exercise and parameters of the working set:
LOAD type sets load value and repetition times (i.e. bench press, dumbbell curls)
REPETITION type sets amount of reps (i.e. push-ups, crunches, hyperextension)
STAMINA type sets time limit (i.e. running track)
While getting ready you can skip the next working set by swiping up. BREAK stage displays countdown of your rest period and vibrates when you have to proceed to the next working set. Working sets are managed in the Workout editor on your phone.
You define the name of the exercise, its type, load value, number of repetitions and time period for break before the next working set. Would you like to join community of adopters, vote for features and obtain early releases? Contact us! email: skype: alexey.rudakovsky
You want to bring structure to your trainings but don't have the discipline for it? Workout app is your SmartWatch fitness assistant providing: ✔ Working sets according to your workout plans ✔ Load values and repetition times for exercise types ✔ Rest periods control with vibration ✔ Encouragement on achievements and motivation
Workout on your SmartWatch shows a sequence of working sets. Each working set has three stages: GET READY -> EXECUTING -> BREAK. Depending on the exercise type you see different parameters of the working set. There are four exercise types which define purpose or goal of the exercise and parameters of the working set:
LOAD type sets load value and repetition times (i.e. bench press, dumbbell curls)
REPETITION type sets amount of reps (i.e. push-ups, crunches, hyperextension)
STAMINA type sets time limit (i.e. running track)
REGULAR type sets nothing (i.e. warm-up)
While getting ready you can skip the next working set by swiping up. BREAK stage displays countdown of your rest period and vibrates when you have to proceed to the next working set. Working sets are managed in the Workout editor on your phone. You can create several workouts for gym and outdoor trainings.
NOTICE: THIS IS A DEMO prototype for Workout app which is under construction at the moment. Would you like to join community of adopters, vote for features and obtain early releases? Contact us! email: skype: alexey.rudakovsky
Checklist on your Sony SmartWatch now enables you to switch between view modes:
Show all items
Show only unchecked items
by tapping the top right counter which shows "unchecked/all" numbers of the current checklist.
In the "Show all" mode you can swipe right to check item or swipe left to uncheck it. You can browse the whole checklist with strike-through-text checked items with green color indication. In the "Show unchecked" mode you browse the list and swipe right the items to mark completed. They disappear leaving only unchecked items to be managed. You can view all items switching back to "Show all" mode taping the top right counter. Visit our site to install Checklist app for free.
This post was inspired by the article The Ultimate Interview Prep Checklist by Hannah Morgan. Following Hannah's guidelines we created a checklist which we would like to share with you
You can copy the following text and paste it to the import dialog of your Checklist app: Know the format and players, Ask the names and titles, Know the job, Get in-depth job description, Know the company, Research via LinkedIn, Google, Know the interviewers, Prepare your answers, Story for each requirement, Most relevant qualifications, Practice aloud and rehearse, Why you left past position, Craft the questions that you want answered, Bring copies of your resume, Ask for next steps, Do you want this job?
Dear Users, This time we improved Checklist extension for Sony SmartWatch giving new experience: ✔ Select a checklist on your phone ✔ Start Checklist on your SmartWatch ✔ Swipe up or down to browse items ✔ Swipe right or left to check current item
P.S. Wanna chat with developer? ✔ It's in options menu on your phone now! You just need Skype installed ✔ We provide exceptional customer service helping with interface, getting feedback and capturing enhancement requests Visit our site to install Checklist app for free.
Now you can use your wearable to view your checklists and check items. Swipe left or swipe right to rotate checklists to pick the one you want to work with. The screen will show:
The name of the current checklist
The number of unchecked items
The name of the top unchecked item (orange background)
The name of the next unchecked item
Swipe up to check the current item and move to the next item. Having all items checked you see the green indicator:
This size of SmartWatch screen is not large enough to implement all item manipulations so enjoy managing checklist via SmartPhone user interface:
Watch this demo of shopping with Checklist on Sony SmartWatch: